Friday, October 26, 2007

Weight control news 26/10/2007 03:40

Shape - A new definition of success: I'm gradually learning that the number on the scale isn't the only way to measure my progress
October 1, 2007 -- On New Year's Day I set a goal of getting down to 125 pounds--what I weighed on my wedding day 14 years ago. As I close in on that number and the weight ...
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HealthDay - Weight Loss Can Control Hypertension
September 28, 2007 -- An Italian study has identified overweight as a direct cause of high blood pressure. And it also showed that up to half of overweight people can bring ...
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PC Magazine - Drive Productivity with Remote Access
September 28, 2007 -- .magcast_col-left {font-family:arail, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding-right:10px;} .magcast_col-right {font-family:arail, sans-serif; font-size:11px;} ...
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Lancing driver died after losing control – inquest (Worthing Today)
A TEENAGER died after he lost control of his car, which left the road and collided with a lamp post, an inquest heard. (24/10/2007 16:40:37)*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Maintenance Treatment Helps Kids Keep Weight Off
October 9, 2007 -- Maintenance treatment programs might help children who've lost weight keep it off, new research suggests. However, the study also found that the effect ...
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Learning about bariatric surgery (Baltimore Sun)
Expert advice An estimated 66 percent of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although doctors recommend that those who wish to lose weight first try to do so through dieting, exercise, behavior therapy and anti-obesity drugs, an increasing number of people are turning to surgery when these steps fail.*http%3A//,0,1716976.story?track=rss
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Athletes use supplements as way to gain weight (The Des Moines Register)
Before bedtime, Waukee football player Zach Davison stirs spoonfuls of a protein supplement into a glass of milk. He says the mixture tastes like...*http%3A//
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Chewing gum: easy, practical tool for weight control (Vietnam Net)
A new study in UK found that chewing gum before an afternoon snack can help reduce hunger, dimish cravings and control appetite among individuals who limit their overall calorie intake, media reported Thursday.*http%3A//
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Human Events - HillaryCare II: A Big Leap in Federal Control
September 24, 2007 -- In 1993, after heading up a 500-member task force on healthcare that worked behind closed doors for months, Hillary Clinton produced a 1,342-page monster.
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Omega - Traffic engineering and congestion control for open shortest path first networks **.
December 1, 2007 -- 1. Introduction The major advantage of the transmission control protocol and Internet protocol (TCP/IP) is to permit diverse types of physical ...
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