Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weight control news 21/10/2007 14:41

Shape - A new definition of success: I'm gradually learning that the number on the scale isn't the only way to measure my progress
October 1, 2007 -- On New Year's Day I set a goal of getting down to 125 pounds--what I weighed on my wedding day 14 years ago. As I close in on that number and the weight ...
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Ready, set...get fit! (Salisbury Post)
When the owners and staff members of The Forum decided to sponsor a Biggest Loser 2007 competition, they were well aware that plenty of people are desperate to lose weight.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Weight Loss Can Control Hypertension
September 28, 2007 -- An Italian study has identified overweight as a direct cause of high blood pressure. And it also showed that up to half of overweight people can bring ...
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Human Events - HillaryCare II: A Big Leap in Federal Control
September 24, 2007 -- In 1993, after heading up a 500-member task force on healthcare that worked behind closed doors for months, Hillary Clinton produced a 1,342-page monster.
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Omega - Traffic engineering and congestion control for open shortest path first networks **.
December 1, 2007 -- 1. Introduction The major advantage of the transmission control protocol and Internet protocol (TCP/IP) is to permit diverse types of physical ...
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Shape - Guilt-free breakfast treats: no need to eat oversize calorie-packed muffins. When you want something really yummy, try these easy sweets under 300 calories
October 1, 2007 -- DIET STRATEGY Satisfy a sweet tooth without blowing your diet Having breakfast is a key part of a successful weight-loss plan. Studies show it helps ...
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A Cure for Obesity? Health Direct Blog Reveals a New Fiber Breakthrough that Helps to Make Weight Loss Easier (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)
Obesity currently accounts for an estimated 400,000 deaths annually, costing us nearly $122.9 billion a year in health care-related expenses. In 2004, the US Centers for Disease Control ranked obesity as the number one health threat facing America today. Health Direct, a nationwide leader in liquid supplement products, has just posted a new article "A New Easier Way to Lose Weight With Fiber" ...*http%3A//
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PC Magazine - Drive Productivity with Remote Access
September 28, 2007 -- .magcast_col-left {font-family:arail, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding-right:10px;} .magcast_col-right {font-family:arail, sans-serif; font-size:11px;} ...
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Fiscal woes put Carcieri on offensive (The Providence Journal)
CRANSTON — Donald Carcieri doesn’t look like a man with the weight of the state’s future on his shoulders.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Maintenance Treatment Helps Kids Keep Weight Off
October 9, 2007 -- Maintenance treatment programs might help children who've lost weight keep it off, new research suggests. However, the study also found that the effect ...
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