Saturday, October 20, 2007

Weight control news 20/10/2007 02:54

Human Events - HillaryCare II: A Big Leap in Federal Control
September 24, 2007 -- In 1993, after heading up a 500-member task force on healthcare that worked behind closed doors for months, Hillary Clinton produced a 1,342-page monster.
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Hypothyroidism Author and Weight Loss Expert Sanford Siegal, D.O., M.D., Applauds New Focus on Obesity-Causing Thyroid ... (PRWeb)
Prominent weight loss doctor Sanford Siegal, author of Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat? (Warner Books, 2000), applauds Oprah Winfrey for raising awareness of an often misdiagnosed yet easily treated disease that causes obesity in millions of Americans (PRWeb Oct 19, 2007) Post Comment:Trackback URL:*http%3A//
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Speeding up fat metabolism may prevent diabetes (New Scientist)
An enzyme known to control weight gain in mice might provide a fruitful target for type 2 diabetes drugs*http%3A//
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Product News Network - Impact Wrench is designed to blend power and control
October 1, 2007 -- While capable of delivering max power with 780 lb-ft reverse torque and 1,100 lb-ft nut-busting torque, 2135TiMAX is suitable for extended usage and ...
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Shape - Guilt-free breakfast treats: no need to eat oversize calorie-packed muffins. When you want something really yummy, try these easy sweets under 300 calories
October 1, 2007 -- DIET STRATEGY Satisfy a sweet tooth without blowing your diet Having breakfast is a key part of a successful weight-loss plan. Studies show it helps ...
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Hits & Misses (CNN Money)
Despite the obesity epidemic, U.S. sales of Roche's weight-loss aid Xenical have slimmed by 30 percent since 2002, in part because the drug - which blocks the absorption of fats from rich foods - counts among its side effects "an inability to control bowel movements." But after licensing rights from Roche to sell a lower-dosage, over-the-counter variant, GlaxoSmithKline has gotten fat by ...*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Maintenance Treatment Helps Kids Keep Weight Off
October 9, 2007 -- Maintenance treatment programs might help children who've lost weight keep it off, new research suggests. However, the study also found that the effect ...
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Omega - Traffic engineering and congestion control for open shortest path first networks **.
December 1, 2007 -- 1. Introduction The major advantage of the transmission control protocol and Internet protocol (TCP/IP) is to permit diverse types of physical ...
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Hypothyroidism Author and Weight Loss Expert Sanford Siegal, D.O., M.D., Applauds New Focus on Obesity-Causing Thyroid ... (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)
Prominent weight loss doctor Sanford Siegal, author of Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat? (Warner Books, 2000), applauds Oprah Winfrey for raising awareness of an often misdiagnosed yet easily treated disease that causes obesity in millions of Americans*http%3A//
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A Cure for Obesity? Health Direct Blog Reveals a New Fiber Breakthrough that Helps to Make Weight Loss Easier (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)
Obesity currently accounts for an estimated 400,000 deaths annually, costing us nearly $122.9 billion a year in health care-related expenses. In 2004, the US Centers for Disease Control ranked obesity as the number one health threat facing America today. Health Direct, a nationwide leader in liquid supplement products, has just posted a new article "A New Easier Way to Lose Weight With Fiber" ...*http%3A//
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