Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weight control news 16/09/2007

Weight Loss Tips
1) The best method so far I have gone through is, losing weight from diet. Control your diet and don’t finish it. This is a critical thing you should think, before you start it. What is your daily diet? Don’t decrease it too much. ...

Weight Loss Tips For Men
Stress is a very high factor in weight gain for men. Financial and work-related pressures are attributed to high stress levels. Men want to feel in control, therefore, any pressure is accompanied by habits such as over-indulgence in ...

Belichick a sign of control freaks out of control (The Enterprise)
There's a tendency among Patriots' fans to shrug off Bill Belichick getting caught stealing and filming opposition coaching signals. Unfortunately, his credibility doesn't seem to matter.

Predicting tonight's Emmy wins (Portsmouth Herald)
Picking who will win an Emmy is not unlike throwing a handful of coins in the air and guessing which will hit the ground first. You can take into consideration the weight of the program, how much hot air resistance it has gotten from critics and even the...

Car weight limits are a big, fat problem (USA Today)
The growing girth of Americans is colliding with government-mandated warning labels on all 2006 or newer cars that list the maximum weight passengers and cargo that's safe to carry. Many two-seat sports cars, including Mazda MX-5 Miata and Chevrolet Corvette, aren't certified to carry two 200-pound adults, according to a government formula aimed at tire safety.

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